In the Garden

Purples and Greens

This past Tuesday, I raked in my best harvest yet – a basketful of pretty purples and greens!

The bush beans had dwindled over the past few weeks, but it seems they have gotten a second wind! This is the most I have been able to harvest in one day.

The jalapenos are going to wait for a few more of their friends to join them and then they are destined to become poppers.

The purple pepper is the very first from my carnival pepper seeds. These plants are not big producers (they weren’t last year, either) but they sure are pretty when they do produce!

Last but not least, the eggplant! I’m still thinking about what to do with these beauties. We have already done eggplant parmesan, and I’m already planning on breading and frying the poppers, so I’d rather not bread and fry the eggplant, too. Any ideas, fellow gardeners and veggie lovers? Tell me how you like your eggplant! 

16 thoughts on “Purples and Greens”

  1. Lovely! I like to saute\’ eggplant chunks in olive oil with garlic, fresh cracked pepper and tomatoes and sprinkle a wee bit of parmesan on top. You have to salt and let the eggplant \”drain\” first or you just end up with a big ole sloppy mess.

  2. Eggplant is really great in pasta. I have a recipe somewhere on my blog that I tried out recently, and I’m thinking of trying another soon for rigatoni with eggplant, pine nuts and parmesan. I really think you can’t go wrong pairing eggplant and tomato.

  3. Eggplant must be the prettiest product from the garden, but can I confess? It is one of the few foods that still as an adult I do not like, and I tried it many ways growing up (from the garden), as well as an adult! But, the closest I came to liking it is as Eggplant Parmigiana. My husband likes a good eggplant/veggie lasagna (my eggplant-radar comes out and I now immaturely refuse to try it!) ~ Kat

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